Cartacaro construction, development

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  • 2023 December} We’ve made a choice, the site will evolve in 2024, the site is ten years old, it’s time for it to adapt to the mobiles, tablets and computers of 2020... The site will keep its colors, but at the request of certain visitors, the yellow and red will be softened. A major reorganization is necessary, and certain functionalities need to be reviewed: albums need to be readapted... See you in the 1st quarter of 2024.
  • 2023 August} We’ve started restructuring the site. Reorganizing the database with the interweaving of images and text is a long-term project. We’ve set ourselves a target of “End 2023”, with a milestone in early November. As for the site’s appearance, we’ve carried out various tests but nothing conclusive, so we’re also planning to make a choice by the end of 2023.
  • 2023 July} The site needs to evolve. Our host has asked us to do so, and so does the site’s security. We are pursuing two avenues: one for the reorganization of the base and the structure of the presentation of images and texts, the other for the appearance of the site.
  • 2022 August} We’ve received a lot of encouragement for keeping the site free and ad-free, accessible with a single click. The “responsive” technique has not caught the attention of our faithful readers. We’ll carry on, as the postcards are our priority.
  • Cartacaro is looking at the “Responsive” solution for viewing the site on mobile and tablet devices. The options are there, and a test site has been created.
  • 2021 March} Launches a “Don’t Throw, Give” operation. The principle is that Cpsm and Cpm cards from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand should not end up in the garbage can. Don’t throw them away, give them away. Cartacaro reimburses postal charges by bank transfer on presentation of a bank details form. The beginnings are promising and then boom in September 2021 it’s by the dozen, then by the thirty that the cards arrive. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Cartacaro will publish them. Watching 2022 will be Cpsm.
  • December 20} Cartacaro publishes its first book, its first postcard catalog “Alphonse Guérin - Annam 1902-1905”. Cartacaro is the first publisher of the 21st century to embark on this adventure. A resounding success, 95% of the books were sold within three months. Cartacaro must continue in this vein, thanks to all.
  • 20 June} The pandemic is raging, we’re all worried, what’s happening to us? Cartacaro, like all sites, listens and waits for better days. <We continue to publish because we think we need to relax, entertain and exchange. Thanks to all those who have sent us emails, news and participated in their own way in the life of the site.
  • 2019 March On March 21, the site’s host changed its server farm. Their new environment no longer accepts older versions of the modules used by the Cartacaro site. At 10 p.m. the site stopped responding and a message appeared “site under construction”. After a sleepless night and a lot of thought and questioning, we decided to upgrade the module that seemed to be causing the problem. At 11am on March 22, Cartacaro responds and displays the postcards correctly. Conclusion: we’re going to have to think about upgrading to a new version of the CMS, and implement it - it seems necessary.
  • 2018 July The site is growing in terms of visitors and content. We’re averaging around forty visitors a day, which is very good. For the end of the year, we’re planning new formulas to promote the site and offer services to Southeast Asia enthusiasts.
  • 2018 February If I want to move forward and be up to date between acquisitions and the site, I need to record an average of 5 maps and one historical and documentary text per day. At the end of March I’ll see if this option is correct.
  • 2018 January Evolution of the site. I’ve looked into it, but .... the latest version of our model is not ergonomically more favorable than the current version. So for the time being, we’re going to have to evolve at a minimum and test the new features step by step. Redoing the whole site in a new environment would take a lot of time.
  • 2017 december Album Indochine : Acquisition of a second old album of postcards about Cambodia mainly; temple cards but also about Cambodian life. I will scan these cards and present them.
  • 2017 November Album Indochine : Acquisition of an old album of postcards containing the memories of a collector. The cards include views of Vietnam, Madagascar and a postcard from New Caledonia. The album recounts the involvement of a soldier (the collector’s brother) and his military friend in the French colonies. I’m going to scan these cards and present them as they were in the album.
  • 2017 October Cambodia Laos : These two countries were part of Indochina, so I’m going to put on the site the postcards I have of these two countries. I’m putting these cards in bulk without classifying them too much, I’ll do that later.
  • 2017 June Annam: the Annam album has been scanned, and the photos put on the site. There are still 3 personal postcard albums and a shoebox of loose acquisitions. The August target will not be met. An operation (right hip) has taken its toll, but the desire to share remains intact, so see you in December.
  • 2017 April Objective: August 2017 all Indochina cards will be scanned and posted on the site. Comments will be added at a later date. The current input takes between 20 and 30 minutes per card.
  • 2017 January Creation of photo albums. This will enable visitors to see a set of cards grouped around a given theme. Ethnic minorities will be displayed in this way. To discover and see if it’s satisfactory
  • 2016 December For 2017 I’ve made a choice: “to devote myself to highlighting the ethnic groups and minorities of the South-East Asia geographical area”. It’s going to be very interesting and I hope not too expensive. I’m setting myself a budget ranging from 3 to 5 euros per card and 10 to 15 euros for the most beautiful and rare cards. If you have cards to sell, please contact me.
  • 2016 September After a two-year hiatus for health reasons, I’m taking over the site and enhancing it with acquisitions made in the past. The resumption is difficult, as procedures have to be relearned. The software for resizing photos is no longer free, so I have to find a new one.
    But with patience and tenacity, we’re getting there.
  • 2014 December 29 For 3 months some purchases, the recasting of the historical part of the Dê Tham and the events of 1908. An attempt by Bonal to reorganize the maps of this period. Not an easy task! Fortunately, the websites for sale help, we can compare the legends and retrace these sad facts.
  • 2014 August 24 . The choice of our site model will not allow us to put an English version of the site online quickly. Articles will be translated as we go along, but will not be visible until we find a technical solution.
  • 2014 August 20 . English version of the site updated (start).
  • 2014 August 17 . Discovery of a postcard animation site. Study on placing a www.cartacaro tag across the bottom of each postcard submitted. Make enlargements on maps to locate places (GF thumbnails, standard Enlargement). Change the zoom to show the ergonomics on the photo.
  • 2014 August 14 . Implement @cartacaro 2014 acronym on images. Photos to be re-implanted one by one to zoom in. For each image, an 800 x600 image and an Iphone thumbnail are required.
  • 2014 July 30 . Photos resized to be visible on Iphone. Batch editing. Resized via vso image resizer. Photo titles retained. The jcycle plugin needs to be reparameterized to 700/ 500 for width / height so the title goes up.
  • 2014 July . Addition of announcements and recently published articles (update date mandatory) to make the site more dynamic.
  • 2014 June . Modification of the plugins, renaming of certain sections that appear in public.
  • 2013 . Mock-up creation, choice of plugins
  • 2012. . Creation, choice of update mode: a CMS (content management) and its plugins


  • Nouveautés 2025

    L’année 2025 s’annonce riche en découvertes et en projets passionnants chez Cartacaro !
    Nous avons le plaisir de vous dévoiler quelques-unes des nouveautés qui agrémenteront cette nouvelle année.

  • Portraits au féminin
    Le dernier ouvrage de Cartacaro

    64 pages - 15 euros
    A découvrir

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  • Réponse aux messages et demandes reçues

    Cartacaro se fait un plaisir de répondre aux demandes. Toutefois nous vous informons que, par souci de sécurité et de confidentialité, les questions ou messages anonymes ne peuvent pas recevoir de réponse.